Millennium Martial Arts School
of Aikido, Jujitsu, Karate, Kickboxing & Tai-chi
for Adults & Kids in Vaughan

Akido principle

Morihei's collected saying

  • "The art of peace begins with you. Foster peace in your own life and then apply the Art to all that you encounter".
  • "There is evil and disorder in the world because people forgotten that all things emanate from one source. Return to that source and leave behind all self-centered thoughts, petty desires and anger. Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything".
  • "Practice of Aikido - The Art of Peace enables you to rise above praise or blame, and it frees you from attachment to this and that".
  • "Eight forces sustain creation:
  • Movement and stillness,
  • Solidification and fluidity,
  • Extension and contraction,
  • Unification and division."

Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) known as O'Sensei (the great teacher) founded and practiced Aikido until he died at the age of 86. "Morihei Ueshiba, taught the Aikido (The Art of Peace) as a mind body discipline, a practical means of handling aggression and as a way of life that fosters fearlessness, wisdom, love,

and friendship".  O'Senesi believed that the principles of Aikido; reconciliation, harmony, cooperation and empathy could be applied bravely to all challenges of life, be it personal relationships, work, business or dealing with nature.  "Everyone can be a warrior for peace". Morihei Ueshiba called his grand vision Takemusu Aiki, or "Courageous and Creative Living". Morihei used to say: "Use your body to create forms, use your spirit to transcend forms, unify body and spirit to activate the Art of Peace (Aikido).

  • Once that is in place you can begin your journey

morihei ueshiba - o'sensei
